Fishing net stories…
I’m going to populate this page with pictures and stories of customers and their nets. Email me photos and a quick story about what you caught, who was there and where it was. This should be fun!
This is the first fish ever caught in a Green Mountain Fishing Net! Lora gave Gabe this net for his birthday and he proceeded to walk down to Lewis Creek by his house and pull out this beauty. Congratulations Gabe!
No fish, but a great place to fish! I was lucky enough to be invited to fish the Hex hatch at Groton State Park on Noyes Pond. We didn’t hit the hatch right, but we sure did enjoy the scenery!
My man, Derek! Excellent brown caught on a 3 night float on the Colorado river. Really excellent fishing and great times with some college and post-college friends. One of my favorite trips of the year!